This research examines the challenges associated with the taxation of expatriates and international assignees in Abuja. The study aims to identify the primary tax challenges, assess their impact on employee satisfaction and business operations, and propose solutions to improve compliance and management. A survey design was employed, targeting 150 expatriates and HR professionals, calculated using Taro Yamane's formula. A case study of a multinational company with operations in Abuja provided in-depth insights. The reliability coefficient score was 0.85. Findings indicate that the main challenges include complex tax regulations, double taxation issues, and difficulties in understanding tax obligations. Recommendations include simplifying tax laws for expatriates, enhancing international tax agreements to avoid double taxation, and providing more support and training for expatriates and HR professionals.
ABSTRACT: This research investigates the role of early childhood education in teaching meal planning skills to young children. Introducing mea...
Background of the Study
Interpersonal skills are vital for effective communication and care in healthcare settings, particularly in emerg...
Background of the Study
Human rights education is a critical component of promoting and protecting human rights in any society. In Nigeria,...
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
The globalization of the entertainment industry has led to an influx of f...
Background of the Study
Digital Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to the integration of digital tools, technologies...
Background of the Study
Traditional medicine has been a significant part of healthcare in many parts of the world, including Africa. In N...
Background of the Study
Corporate governance in Nigerian banks has faced challenges, including corruption, mismanagement...
A study of influence of family background and academic performance of students in five secondary schools. In Gb...
This study investigates the short run effect, long run effect and causal relationship between stock market and economic growth i...